среда, 2. новембар 2022.

Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence

 Decision and Artificial Intelligence: Judgment or simple calculation?

A recent article in the #Sloan Management Review recalls the importance of questioning recommendations from #IA systems, rightly highlighting the risk of falling into a subtle version of the dangers of confusing the map and the territory.

The data on which these systems "make" their decisions are "technical images", as the philosopher Vilém Flusser calls them. These abstract "images" are digital images of the world, which machines produce or process.

These "technical images" are therefore a "calculated transformation of digitized data concerning an object or idea". This makes them representations of reality (simple maps said otherwise).

They are inherently incomplete, or as described in the article "discrete" and "static" as opposed to the "continuous" and "fluid" world.

Just as a map reduces the complexity of reality, the "technical images" used and produced by an AI are selective, even distorted, reductions of what surrounds us.

While many of us still know how to use a map, it is rarer that we understand how machines "draw" these technical images. As a result, we risk missing out on what is omitted or deliberately left out.

The authors quite rightly complete Georges Box's quote ("All models are fake, but some are useful") by adding: "If we do not know how a model is fake, not only is it useless, but its use can be dangerous".

Hence several recommendations:
- First of all, a call for inaction: do not try to automate everything because it is feasible (#solutionnisme).
- Then a call to action: we must learn to work with AIs. And learn to understand and use these "technical images". Just as we learned to work with models or maps, not only in an abstract way but starting from reality and the context of use of these tools.

Otherwise, because of too much confidence in the machine (and in our ability to program and control it), there is a risk of leading to dangerous decisions that can lead to untenable or irreversible situations.

Artificial intelligence systems cannot completely replace our capacity for judgment, linked to the specific context of each situation, at the risk of chasing "the kind of certainty that our ancestors searched in vain in the bowels, tarot cards or stars".

Judgment cannot be reduced to reasoning, it must take into account very human capacities such as imagination, reflection and empathy.

The subject primarily concerns #entrepreneurs, both in the solutions they draw and in those they use on a daily basis. It is their responsibility.

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Survival Strategies in the Era of AI Taught by Stanford

Survival Strategies in the Era of AI Taught by Stanford